What is the internet?

Lydia Bennsky
3 min readFeb 14, 2021


The internet is a connection from one person to another. It helps bring people answers that they might not find otherwise. It helps people come together if that be relationship related or work related. The internet doesn’t have a specific place that it is. The internet is everywhere around us and it isn’t a physical thing that we see. There isn’t a limited amount of “internets” that exist. The internet is becoming smart as time moves on. The AI that has been created and the smart computers, tv’s, and phones that have been made through the progress of the internet. It is alive in multiple ways. One being the amount of intelligence that we provide it by making Alexa, google home, and other devices like that. The other way is us as people keeping it alive with the amount of use that we give it. For example in one of the articles “Does the Internet Make You Smarter?” it says that there are an average of 1.8 billion internet users world-wide. That is insane that that many people use the internet on a daily bases. I love the internet because of two things the amount of things that a person can learn from the internet is amazing. The other thing is that people can find themselves on the internet. What I mean is that you can find the group of people that have the same interest as you and can bond over that. The friend groups that start online and move to in person friend groups I think are the strongest. There are some things that scare me/anger me about the internet. One of them being cyberbullies. Where there are good groups and communities of people on the internet there are bad groups and communities. The hate that people get online for being themselves is just annoying. It really is frustrating when a person finally finds themself and is confident in either themself or what they are posting about but then they get hate comments and death threats.

We spend so much time on the internet/watching TV that there are something that don’t faze us anymore. Crime shows are a great example of that. The average person in America watches 34.5 hours of TV per week. People watch these shows religiously, me being one of those people, and we have been desensitized to what we watch and see on the internet. Overall the internet is a powerful place where if you look in the right places you can end up in a good part or a bad part of the internet it just depends if you are looking hard enough.

